viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


I know that a couple of hours before I uploaded the previous post but well, that happens when hours are not enough... I apologize...
This time, I want to share with you a lovely video that my friend and our classmate Ailín shared with me while we were attending a Congress in Mendoza at the beginning of this year.
This video starts by saying: “Everybody wants to be loved. Everybody wants to be in love. But, do they believe they’ll find love? It’s funny, but what the world really loves is a love story…”
And yes, this author is right. We are fond of love stories! We love happy endings and impossible loves becoming possible...
I am a person who particularly enjoys reading and watching every love story that fills us with hope and makes us keep believing in the existence of real love.
Nowadays the idea of being in a relationship or loving somebody has been devaluated. Relationships tend to be short, without real compromise and people say “I love you” as many times as they say “hello”...
I invite you to keep watching videos and/or movies, reading books and/or articles about passionate and long-lasting relationships... I invite you to admire old couples that daily choose to walk together the path of life... I invite you to fall in love with someone and love him/her tenderly...
Never stop believing neither in love nor in good and honest people.
Never stop enjoying simple things like loving and being loved.
Have a great weekend!

5 comentarios:

  1. So cute post, Andy!I like what you say. I also think that we have to believe in love, and risk to fall in love because it will be worth the risk. Love is a risk, a gamble and sometimes we get disappointed and hurt but what is life after all if not to love and be loved ?. We don´t have to let hate to win, love has to triumph.

    1. Thanks Flooor! I absolutely agree with you! Love is meant to win every battle.

  2. You're right Flor, it's a nice post! And I think it's important to reflect about love. Sometimes, we’re so immersed in our duties and activities that we forget what the important things in life are. Besides, when we have the time to reflect about something, generally we tend to complain or criticise our reality (in relation to politics, economy, environment, among other things). But we never devote time to think or talk about LOVE and its importance in our everyday life.
    And, as you said Flor, it doesn’t matter if we had experience some disappointments, at least we had the opportunity to feel love. As Dr. Seuss said: “Don’t cry because it’s over, SMILE because it happened”.

    1. Thanks for your comment Dany! I actually really loved both of your reflections girls... I am always trying not to forget about little things of life such as love because most of the times I find myself immersed inside a strict schedule and only thinking about my next duty. I think that it must also happen to you since the three of us are very responsible women but, I truly believe that it is absolutely necessary to give us time to reflect upon feeling and relationships. Those moments contribute to our welfare...
