sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

En tan sólo un segundo...

This has not only been a very unusual week but also, tiredness has invaded my entire body (and mind). Writing has turned into a very difficult task for me... It is very difficult to be sitting here, in front of the screen today. This time, I am not willing to do this, I just have to do it...
Today, Sunday 19th is Mother’s Day in our country and it won’t be a very happy day for some children we (me, my family, and people from the place where I study) are close to.
I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Vanina, my classmates’ beloved friend... But, I am sure about the fact that was a great mother... And my heart breaks in a thousand pieces whenever I think about her children, above all, during this special date. What’s more, one of the women that I love the most has suffered a very dreadful accident... This woman is my godmother, Roxana, the strongest woman that I’ve ever known.
This woman has fought against cancer and she has won; this woman knows how to work; study; raise her children; take care of her husband and be present in every single moment of her beloved ones... Yes, everything at the same time. This woman never stops laughing and making people laugh.
This woman is now in intensive care in the hospital of San Luis, our province, and no one is able to tell us whether she is going to improve or not. This woman used to be very active and used to have energy in excess. But now, this woman has multiple fractures in her legs... Yes, this woman that loves doing sports, dancing, running, climbing mountains and is in love with life... Is now lying on a bed inside a hospital.
On Wednesday, October 15th she finished her workday (well, she is a teacher and as you all may know, we never stop working once we are outside the classroom...), she was opening the door of her car when suddenly a truck run over her.  The driver was a very old man that says that he didn’t see her... he was driving so fast that he not only run over my godmother but also the door of her car... A man that was walking near the accident saw everything and picked up my godmother’s phone from the street and called her husband.
Once she was in the hospital, she underwent a surgery to put all the bones of her leg in a position as similar as the “normal” one... She has different breakages in her legs... From her hips to her feet...
I haven’t been able to see her yet, only her husband and children are allowed to see her. I have gone to the hospital and being some meters away from her is better than nothing... However, I am eagerly looking forward to hugging her very very tight! And kissing her everywhere!
This woman has fought against cancer and has won. She has to win again!!!
Besides, these situations have made me think on the power of time or I don’t know what!!! But, in just a couple of seconds, your life can change in an impressive way... And after those seconds it is when we start appreciating simple things of life like kissing, hugging, laughing... Those are the seconds that make us think about the way in which we live life. In my case 90% of my days I am inside my bedroom drinking coffee, working and studying. What a pity! 
Fortunately I am just 21 years old and I am willing to change that. At least I am trying...

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andy! I don'tn know what happened to your godmother because it's been more than a month.. I sincerely hope she's better... What you're telling us is so shocking it left me speechless. I guess everything happens for a reason, but it's hard to understand, isn't it? This should be a life lesson for all of us not to complain about sily things andto value what we've been given. Life is a mistery and a treasure. God help her recover and do justice with the imprudent driver...
