miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Aprende a quererte y respetarte, porque tendrás que vivir contigo toda la vida.

I cannot help but smile while observing this simple but meaningful image.
I don’t know either who the author is or the main objective of its creation which makes me feel absolutely attracted to it.

I could do a research about this image on Google and I might find something interesting related to it but that would only limit my imagination. I love being still able to close my eyes, smell sweet perfume or just look at a vivid photo album  to recall almost every hidden detail Immersed in my mind. My mind is generally a welcoming and warm place to stay in so I frequently take imaginary trips to it.

This particular trip begins when I bump into this image and I not only discern the shape of a real woman hugging an imaginary one but the shape of a real woman hugging her real self. You may be asking yourselves what I mean with REAL... And what I mean is imperfect, yes, perfectly imperfect. This image portrays acceptance, respect and love. As I stated in the title (quote whose author I don’t know) of my post, we will be living with us forever and ever and there is no divorce or way of cancelling the contract. This comes with us from the moment we are conceived and we have to assert with this fact, to accept ourselves, respect and love us.

“If you don’t love yourself, you won’t be able to love someone else”, that is one of my basic precepts in life. Every single and tiny aspect of our everyday life starts on us; everything depends on how we face things and how we go through them... We have to work inside ourselves to cope with the outside world; we have to keep the balance between our mind, body and soul... We are the ones that have the obligation of making us happy and choose the people we want to walk the path of life with. We have to learn from our mistakes and try to repeat our successful actions. Forgiveness should be a must and welfare should be our main objective.

I invite you to change the perspective though which you see your life! Try to magnify your cheers not your sorrows! Try to pay more attention to what you have rather than to what you are missing. MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY! Accept yourself, respect yourself and love yourself!

PS: I hope this image makes you think about the role you play in your own life. Which is the position you have in your top ten priorities' list? Value yourself, take care of your mind, soul and body.

Have a lovely half of the week!


5 comentarios:

  1. I find your words inspiring. It is true that our first love needs to be ourselves. I find quite intriguing that most people I know (including myself) are harsher when dealing with our own faults than those of our loved ones. How can we be able to understand other people making mistakes but it’s so hard to do the same with ourselves? I think that we need to accept (as you wrote) our perfect imperfection. It is my believe that happiness is achieved when we gain inner peace, which comes from the acceptance of ourselves as human beings who have the opportunity to be better every day and learn from every experience.

    1. It is true. Most people tend to be harsher with them than with others, that is something I have never been able to understand and is something I invite you (and me) to change. Not only do me have to command ourselves to be efficient and responsible with our everyday activities but also demanding with our welfare and equilibrium. I encourage us to accept our perfect imperfection and suprass ourselves in this task of loving and taking care of us.

  2. Hi Andrea! I remember that once my shrink told me "you cant expect others to love you and accept you the way you are if you dont love and accept yourself for who and how you are". Even though this phrase is a cliché it was said at the right time and it keebs ringing in my head everytime I disregard myselg. I LOVE THAT PICTURE TOO! In a world where being physically perfect is the most important thing to be happy, having inner beauty is a lost concept. People hate themselves for not fitting in the idealistic "beauty concept" and they dont pay attention on how beautiful people the are!! GREAT REFLECTION!

    1. Thanks a lot! I totally agree with your shrink. We have to love ourselves first and then look for somebody who can support that love and contribute with more. We have to stop disregarding and start forgiving ourselves. Besides, it should be a must to give more importance to our inner beauty rather than the physical one. After all, that is the one that lasts.
